This week we explore knock offs. Who doesn't love a good knock off, right? I sure do! Well, while everyone is familiar with all the regulars - Ronex watches, Abble iPods, Mike shoes - here are some really creative counterfeit products that are as subtle as a punch in the face. DISCLAIMER: 919 Realty does not condone the production, merchandising, and sale of counterfeit items. Enjoy!
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Dona's grandfather was a Dentist by trade, but an engineer at heart. He was the type of guy that, if he didn't have the tool he needed, he would simply make it. His home in Chapel Hill (which he built with his wife) was full of little hacks and inventions he created to make life easier. He was creating home hacks before it even had a name.
This article is full of those ingenious little tricks that you can easily do at home. Check them out by clicking the link below. Also, if you have any hacks that you created or were passed down by your family, feel free to share them here. Enjoy! WE'RE BACK! Yes, Epic Fail Wednesday returns in - you guessed it - epic fashion. This week we are celebrating those brave souls out there that provide us with so much entertainment simply with a piece of paper, some tape, a sharpie, and a ton of creativity. DISCLAIMER: 919 Realty does not condone the modification or defacing of public property. That said, we had a few good laughs looking through some of these. We hope you do as well. Enjoy! It's almost that dreaded time of the year. April 15. You know it and I know it. Tax Day is almost upon us. Uncle Sam wants his money, and he's coming to collect. If you're a homeowner, one of the reasons you made the decision to buy was so that Uncle Sam would let you keep a little more of your scratch. If that wasn't one of the reasons, then SURPRISE! Wo doesn't love a good surprise?
Yes, being a homeowner does help you take some deductions that will allow you to keep more of your hard earned money. Now, I know there are some of you who are so prepared that you finished doing your 2015 taxes in 2013. This post is definitely not for you. For the rest of us homeowners, however, check out this helpful article to make sure you didn't miss any of these last minute deductions. I bet there are a lot of you out there like us. After we closed on our home, and before moving in, there were some things we said we were going to fix or take care of down the road. And guess what? After about a year and a half, nothing has been done. If you don't know anyone like that, then it might be you.
It's been said that the easiest way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. Not exactly sure why anyone would want to eat elephant, but there's a lot of truth in that statement. Tackle a small project here and there and, before you know it, you'll have some momentum that could springboard you into other larger projects. At least, that's how I like to look at things. If you're interested in seeing what damage you can do to your 'to do' list, click on the link below for a cool article with some great ideas. Enjoy! |
August 2019